Monday, May 09, 2005

Wish it twer still Sunday

I'm feeling a bit punchy this morning. In fact, I'm feeling quite punchy. Nothing went right last night from the time I put head on pillow until the time I finally got up. For some reason, I had difficulty sleeping. It happens. So I spent most of the night tossing and turning until finally dropping off into a light slumber sometime after 3. It was not fitful nor restful, but it was better than nothing.

Yet, it was not to last. Some total jackass decided to make some toast this morning at about 7:30. They put their bread in the toaster, turned it up high, and left the room. It only took a few minutes before the room was filled with smoke and the fire alarm provided a rude wake up call for all of us. This is pretty typical for the jackasses that are my co-residents. For some reason, about 60% of the fools that live in this house are total morons when it comes to common sense day to day stuff. They're also sloppy jalopies that turn the kitchens into pig sties over the weekend (no cleaner on the weekend). Not that I care too much about that. The guy who cleans the house is a certifiable a-hole as well, so he can piss off.

Anyway, to top off this particularly profound morning, Real World called me at about 7:45, roughly 10 minutes after putting head back on pillow. Now, there are few things that are more egregious in my world than calling at that hour - and she knows this because I totally bitched her out about one time. If it's an emergency, hang up and dial 999 (the UK's 911) - don't call me. I never did find out what the hell she wanted because I refused to answer. I'm obstinate, stubborn, and highly disagreeable in the mornings - and twice as bad when I'm sleep deprived.

Finally, I rose and got my shower. The guy showering in the stall next to me had BO so powerfully that the entire room stunk like armpit. You know it's bad when you're in the shower and you still stink. In fact, I think that if that occurs, you should immediately seek medical attention because it's likely that something on your personage is rotting and close to falling off. Then again, without stereotyping too badly, that guy may have liked the way he smelled. For all I know, he could be the type that actually thinks Right Guard smells good, for example. Or he could just be a dirty Frenchie. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) Either way, I was shocked and appalled.

I was fortunate to get in the shower when I did, however, because I was in no mood to run out of hot water. It started to run out just as I was finishing up and someone else was starting up. Poor bastard. Should have planned better. Then again, he could have been Asian. One thing I've noticed is that the Asians in the house will shower in freezing water. I prefer to skip a shower under those circumstances, but not the Asians. They universally freeze their asses off rather than staying dirty.

Work is turning out to be a veritable blast. I've already been given busy work that a monkey butler would reject. It will seriously take me less time to complete the task than it took the braintrust who gave it to me to explain it. I'm just looking forward to my sandwich later.

Also, I'm eagerly searching for a thesis topic. Apparently, and this was pretty shocking to me, I will be the first person at Webster London to complete a proper MA thesis. My professor informed me on Friday that in his eleven year's teaching there, no one has ever done the full thesis, instead opting for the "integrated studies" class, which is like a baby thesis (shorter, less stringent, and only 1 reviewer). I wasn't having any of that. I want my money's worth, even if it does cause me extra work. At any rate, I need a topic ASAP. Well, more like two weeks, but still, I need a topic. Ideas anyone?

In conclusion, it's a crappy little Monday, I have an exam tonight in international law that I've barely studied for, I'm fatigued and punchy, but I'm confident and mostly upbeat. Just don't mess with me today because I'm not in the mood.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Subject for a thesis: the futility of the drug war, how the victims of the drug war are pain doctors who are arrested by the DEA (KGB) who don't have a liscense to practice medicine but do it anyway, and the suffering people in pain who can't find a doctor to treat them because they're running scared of the DEA.

12:44 AM  

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