Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Random tidbits from the Temp

I have my first temp assignment this afternoon. As usual, the temp life has thrown the proverbial wrench into my plans. But, money must be made and this temp firm must be shown that I am available at a moments notice, so I'll be heading out soon to put in a long day of copy checking. Fun.

Anyway, not to rankle the Pro-lifers too much as I'm not really in favor of abortion, just a woman's right to make decisions for herself, there's a new study out that slays one of the central sympathy arguments put forth by the Right to Lifers. This study, which is a review of studies on the subject, indicts the idea that fetuses feel pain in the first two trimesters. Instead, they argue that the data indicates it's unlikely that a fetus could feel pain until the third trimester. This is tough news for the anti-abortion crowd as they rely on "fetal pain" to build sympathy for unwanted, unborn babies. Of course, in the day this article has been up on CNN, about 10,000 children have died in Africa from famine, disease, and violence, so at the end of the day, I'll shed a tear for an aborted baby after we sort out all the real, live, breathing children that are losing their lives simply because the world cares less about them than it does about embryos and feti...

...Pat Robertson, formerly fundamentalist Christian weirdo, now fundamentalist Christian wacked out nut job, has gone on TV and advocated the execution of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. In a moment that most of his followers would applaud as representative of a "true Christian", Robertson accused Chavez of establishing Venezuela as a "launching pad" for Islamic extremism into North America. Apparently, Robertson thinks anyone who is not a fundamentalist Christian is a Muslim, you know, like those Roman Catholics. Chavez, not to be entirely excused in this incident, has attained jackass status as well for mimicking the Fidel Castro style of leadership: Demonize the US and maintain power no matter the costs to your population. Still, none of this would have been possible without George Bush's policy of assassination that puts the US in bed with such outstanding democracies like Libya, Sudan, and Yemen. What an internationalist...

...And last, I'm happy to report that Donald Rumsfeld has eased all of our fears about the potential for an Iraqi civil war. See, that Rummy is so smart. He totally was right when he said we'd have a quick war and the people of Iraq would rejoice at being liberated from Saddam Hussein and would welcome the US with open arms. And he was totally right that we didn't need any body armor for our troops or our Hummers. And he was totally right that we could secure the country with 200,000 troops. And he was totally right that border security wasn't much of an issue. And he was totally right that after Iraq we could roll into Iran and Syria and bring democracy there too. So it's with a high level of confidence that I must say, Rummy has to be totally right that there will be no civil war in Iraq over the new constitution even if the Sunnis and Shiites on the ground are warning that it's possible. I just don't know what America would do without that Donald Rumsfeld...

...Ok, off to shower. This moment of cynicism is now concluded.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In a moment that most of his followers would applaud as representative of a "true Christian", Robertson"

This statement is a bit over the top. Those who agree with him are few and far between.

9:04 AM  

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